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  • Tags: Zabel Hall
Six images (#04-#09) of three young women who are standing outdoors and talking near the middle of campus.
"May 1981 - Dorm Play Day & Steak Fry" Seven images of the outdoor volleyball games played by campus residents on Dorm Play Day.
"May 1981 - Dorm Play Day & Steak Fry" Six images of campus residents sitting on the brick-enclosed planting beds, and on the grass, as they eat outdoor barbecue on Dorm Play Day. The steaks are cooked on a grill that is set up near Facilities.
"May 1981 - Dorm Play Day & Steak Fry" Seven images of a game of catch played with water balloons.
"April 1981" Eighteen images of employees and students planting several trees on campus, possibly for Arbor Day. [There are two gentleman in some of the images who appear to be: Conrade Head (white hat), and Phil Yost (plaid shirt, mustache).]
"6/2/1981" Nineteen images of a protest rally held on campus during the visit by the State Board of Higher Education. At the time, there was a possibility of the school being closed and students turned out to voice their concerns. Some of the signs…
"6/2/1981" Thirty-four images taken during the EOSC football team summer training.
"6/22/1981 - Departure for Micronesian Trip" Fourteen images of students and faculty loading up for their visit to Micronesia.

Harvey Bennett (left, standing on loading dock).
"9/3/1981" Ninety-three images of forty-five individual football players.

Bob Beavin, #87.
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