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1988 Employees, Continuing Education Staff 10
"1988 - C.E. [Continuing Education] Staff"

Debbie Lee (left), Werner Bruecher (right).

1988 Employees, Continuing Education Staff 09
"1988 - C.E. [Continuing Education] Staff"

Werner Bruecher (left).

1988 Employees, Continuing Education Staff 08
"1988 - C.E. [Continuing Education] Staff"

Other end of table from left to right starting at 10:00 o'clock: Susan Daniel (1st), Lee Insko (2nd), Debbie Lee, (3rd), Werner Bruecher (4th).

1988 Employees, Continuing Education Staff 07
"1988 - C.E. [Continuing Education] Staff"

Debbie Lee (left, partially obscured by Bruecher), Werner Bruecher (right).

1988 Employees, Continuing Education Staff 06
"1988 - C.E. [Continuing Education] Staff"

From far to near: Debbie Lee (1st, partially obscured by Bruecher), Werner Bruecher (2nd).

1988 Employees, Continuing Education Staff 02
"1988 - C.E. [Continuing Education] Staff - Werner Bruecher, External Degree" The woman at the left is Debbie Lee.

1987 Employee, Sam Shorb 02
"4/1987 - Campus scenes" Two images of Sam Shorb riding a lawnmower while mowing the grass near the side of Inlow Hall.

1987 Hoke Hall Coffee Shop, Jitters 30
"2/1987" A series of images of employees and students gathered together for the premiere of the new Hoke Hall Coffee Shop, "Jitters." Drawings for prizes and a ribbon cutting are included in the evening's activities.

Yvonne Tagge (right).

1987 Hoke Hall Coffee Shop, Jitters 29
"2/1987" A series of images of employees and students gathered together for the premiere of the new Hoke Hall Coffee Shop, "Jitters." Drawings for prizes and a ribbon cutting are included in the evening's activities.

Yvonne Tagge (middle).

1987 Hoke Hall Coffee Shop, Jitters 28
"2/1987" A series of images of employees and students gathered together for the premiere of the new Hoke Hall Coffee Shop, "Jitters." Drawings for prizes and a ribbon cutting are included in the evening's activities.

Yvonne Tagge (right).
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