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  • Tags: Grass

1987 Employee, Sam Shorb 02
"4/1987 - Campus scenes" Two images of Sam Shorb riding a lawnmower while mowing the grass near the side of Inlow Hall.

1987 Ackerman Elementary School, Arm Wrestling 04
"4/1987 - Campus scenes" Four images of a group of Ackerman Elementary students who have gathered around two girls who are arm wrestling while laying on the grass facing each other.

1987 Ackerman Elementary School, Arm Wrestling 03
"4/1987 - Campus scenes" Four images of a group of Ackerman Elementary students who have gathered around two girls who are arm wrestling while laying on the grass facing each other.

1987 Ackerman Elementary School, Arm Wrestling 02
"4/1987 - Campus scenes" Four images of a group of Ackerman Elementary students who have gathered around two girls who are arm wrestling while laying on the grass facing each other.

1983 Ackerman Elementary School, Model Airplanes 12
Twelve images of model airplane enthusiasts putting on an air show for a group of Ackerman Elementary Students.

1983 Ackerman Elementary School, Model Airplanes 11
Twelve images of model airplane enthusiasts putting on an air show for a group of Ackerman Elementary Students.

1983 Ackerman Elementary School, Model Airplanes 10
Twelve images of model airplane enthusiasts putting on an air show for a group of Ackerman Elementary Students.

1983 Ackerman Elementary School, Model Airplanes 09
Twelve images of model airplane enthusiasts putting on an air show for a group of Ackerman Elementary Students.

1983 Ackerman Elementary School, Model Airplanes 08
Twelve images of model airplane enthusiasts putting on an air show for a group of Ackerman Elementary Students.

1983 Ackerman Elementary School, Model Airplanes 07
Twelve images of model airplane enthusiasts putting on an air show for a group of Ackerman Elementary Students.
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