Browse Items (80 total)

  • Tags: building

1971 Track, Start Line
An image of the starting line for a race at a track meet. An official stands on a ladder while holding the starter's pistol aloft. In the background from left to right are the Hoke Building, Pierce Library, and Ackerman Elementary School. In the…

1970 Graduation, Attendees 01
"1970 Graduation" Three images of people arriving for the graduation ceremony and walking on the sidewalk towards Quinn Coliseum where it will be held.

Background: Hoke Building (left), Ackerman Elementary School (right).

1989 Facilities Building, Demolition 02
"1989" Four images taken during the demolition of the old Facilities building. Originally, the main part of the building was called, "Pierce Hall," and it was used as a supplementary dormitory for men. Then, prior to the building of a new Plant…

1989 Facilities Building, Demolition 03
"1989" Four images taken during the demolition of the old Facilities building. Originally, the main part of the building was called, "Pierce Hall," and it was used as a supplementary dormitory for men. Then, prior to the building of a new Plant…

1989 Facilities Building, Demolition 04
"1989" Four images taken during the demolition of the old Facilities building. Originally, the main part of the building was called, "Pierce Hall," and it was used as a supplementary dormitory for men. Then, prior to the building of a new Plant…

1971 Campus, Aerial View 02
Sixteen images of the EOC campus and surrounding La Grande, Oregon taken from an airplane circling overhead. The old Hoke Building has not been replaced by Hoke Hall at this point, and renovations are underway at Pierce Library.

1971 Campus, Aerial View 03
Sixteen images of the EOC campus and surrounding La Grande, Oregon taken from an airplane circling overhead. The old Hoke Building has not been replaced by Hoke Hall at this point, and renovations are underway at Pierce Library.

1971 Campus, Aerial View 04
Sixteen images of the EOC campus and surrounding La Grande, Oregon taken from an airplane circling overhead. The old Hoke Building has not been replaced by Hoke Hall at this point, and renovations are underway at Pierce Library.

1971 Campus, Aerial View 05
Sixteen images of the EOC campus and surrounding La Grande, Oregon taken from an airplane circling overhead. The old Hoke Building has not been replaced by Hoke Hall at this point, and renovations are underway at Pierce Library.

1971 Campus, Aerial View 06
Sixteen images of the EOC campus and surrounding La Grande, Oregon taken from an airplane circling overhead. The old Hoke Building has not been replaced by Hoke Hall at this point, and renovations are underway at Pierce Library.
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