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  • Tags: History of Union

Elgin Bank, Interior
"Elgin Bank, interior. The first bank in the city. View of the teller's window and cage."

Hot Lake 2
"Hot Lake - main building - circa 1900" [Photograph used in "History of Union County, Oregon" (page 183), edited and compiled by Bernal D. Hug.]

Island City, Bridge
"First steel bridge in Union County. Spans Grande Ronde River at Island City. - circa 1900" Advertisement on wooden railing of bridge reads: "Guns and Ammunition at Bohnenkamp's" [Photograph used in "History of Union County, Oregon" (page 190),…

Island City, Pioneer Mill 1
"The P.F.M.Co. Mill & Elevator" Located behind the parked train: "Island City Ware House" "Island City, Oregon - Pioneer Flouring Mill Co. - after 1896. Originally, Island City Mercantile & Milling Co., until 1896 when the milling interests were…

La Grande Hotel
"La Grande Hotel - circa 1929" [Of note: The La Grande Hotel signage which is located on the side of the building in this image, is on the front of the building in images dated after 1927.] [Photograph used in "History of Union County, Oregon" (page…

La Grande, Blue Mt. University
"Blue Mountain University, La Grande, Oregon - circa winter 1884/85 - It was built in 1875 at a cost of $18,000, donated by the pioneers. It opened that year in December. It officially closed in June, 1884. Picture taken after closure and removal of…

La Grande, Elevated View 1
"La Grande, 1887. Looking north on 4th Street from the brow of a hill. Mt. Emily is in the background. The Episcopal Church in the center foreground had just been moved from Old Town, La Grande. The flagpole behind the church is on City Hall which…

Minam Grade Road 1
"Postcard - Old Minam Grade [Road] about 1914. Two carloads of people on an outing." Written on back of photograph: "Bill Rysdam & Grandpa Rysdam & Families & Rasmussens" [Photograph used in "Supplement to History of Union County, No. 3" (page 104).…

Oro Dell, Mill
"The Mill at Oro Dell, located beside the Grande Ronde River, circa 1890." The mill was built to serve as a grist mill, a place where grain is ground into flour. "The building was later used as an electric power plant for La Grande, Oregon." [See:…

Portrait - McKinnis, J.L.
"John L. McKinnis, pioneer - Summerville, Oregon - circa 1905. Arrived in the Grande Ronde Valley on Sept. 27, 1864. Instrumental in the formation and growth of farming, logging and industry in the Grande Ronde Valley, especially around the…
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