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  • Tags: Badgley Hall
EOC football player, #72 - Don Graham, appears to have taken a leap which is about to result in a belly flop. He is wearing his uniform, and Badgley Hall is visible in the background.
"1965-66 Aerial Shot of Campus" Starting from near the bottom left and going in a clockwise direction: Inlow Hall, Hunt Hall (all 4 sections), Ackerman School, Football Stadium, Quinn Coliseum, Dorion Hall, original Hoke Building, possibly the old…
This is a color picture of the campus taken from an elevated view in about 1971. The addition and remodeling of Pierce Library has been completed, and that was reopened in 1971, but the new Hoke Hall has not been started which occured in 1972.…
"Science / Math" This a picture that was taken at the beginning of construction on a new science and mathematics building. Originally referred to as simply, "Science Hall," it would eventually be dedicated as "Badgley Hall" in tribute to long-time,…
"Science / Math" The new science and mathematics building is nearing completion. Originally referred to as simply, "Science Hall," it would eventually be dedicated as "Badgley Hall" in tribute to long-time, Eastern science professor, Ralph Badgley.…
"Science and Mathematics Building, Eastern Oregon College, La Grande, Oregon" This is an architect's conceptual drawing of what the new Science and Mathematics building will look like. [This photo appears in the 1965 Mountaineer yearbook, pg. 164.]
"February 1976"
The EOSC campus taken from a distance away. Campus buildings that are visible are from left to right: Badgley Hall, Pierce Library, Inlow Hall, Ackerman Hall, and Hunt Hall. Part of the town of La Grande, OR is also visible in the…
"3/1976 - Campus scenes"
Faculty and students use the reference reading room in Pierce Library. Badgley Hall is visible through the windows in the background.
"Week of March 29, 1976 - Campus scenes"
In this central area of campus are the sidewalks and brick-enclosed, raised planting beds. Beyond them are the parking and street located between the back of Pierce Library (right), the old Facilities…
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