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Portrait - Davis Family
"Mr. and Mrs. Marion Davis and daughter, [Elinor] of Union, Oregon - December 1904 - Real estate man." Written on postcard addressed to "Mrs. J.E. Bell of Union: We have brought you greetings for a 'Merry Xmas' and a 'Happy New Year' 1904-1905"

Aerial, Smoking Volcano
"A small, smoking volcano crater - Somewhere in the South Pacific Islands - Taken by 17th Photo Gunner enroute home, perhaps from Rabaul" "New Britain, Rabaul, 1943"

Allan Countryman, Print Crew
"Allan J 'AJ' Countryman - Photo Section 17th tact. Recon Sqdn. Print crew member - from New York State"

Allan Countryman Writing Letter 1
"Allan Countryman - His daily letter home to wife, Pat in New York State"

Allan Countryman Writing Letter 2
"Allan Countryman - His daily letter home to wife, Pat in New York State"

1965 Guest, Nicholas Goncharoff
"Fall 1965, Nicholas Goncharoff, a Danforth Visiting Lecturer/Speaker" This is a portrait of Nicholas Goncharoff wearing a dark colored blazer, a white dress shirt, and a striped necktie.

1980 Theater Makeup Room 01
"May 1980" An image of the cast of "Sherlock Holmes: A New Adventure" putting on their character makeup.

1984 Seminar, A New You 01
"10/1984" Three images taken at "A New You" seminar.

1989 Walter M. Pierce Library, Ribbon Cutting 01
"1989" Fifteen images taken during the ribbon cutting ceremony to open the new back entrance into Pierce Library.

Dave Gilbert (left).

1989 Walter M. Pierce Library, Ribbon Cutting 16
"1989" A series of images taken after the ribbon cutting ceremony to open the new back entrance into Pierce Library. Refreshments are served inside the library while people mingle and socialize.

From right to left: Patty Cutright (1st, in…
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