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  • Tags: Provost

1987 Employees, Walking 03
"4/1987 - Campus scenes" Three images of Provost Jim Hottois (left) walking with Jens Robinson (right) down one of the campus sidewalks near Pierce Library.

1987 Employees, Walking 02
"4/1987 - Campus scenes" Three images of Provost Jim Hottois (left) walking with Jens Robinson (right) down one of the campus sidewalks near Pierce Library.

Pierce Library (background).

1991 Staff Awards 49
"April 11, 1991 - Employee recognition gathering"

Jerry Ingerson (right edge, in profile).

1991 Staff Awards 48
"April 11, 1991 - Employee recognition gathering"

Seated at table: Dick Townsend (furthest left, in profile), Jim Lundy (furthest right).

1991 Staff Awards 47
"April 11, 1991 - Employee recognition gathering"

Patti Girrard (right side, closest).

1991 Staff Awards 46
"April 11, 1991 - Employee recognition gathering"

Patti Girrard (right side, closest).

1991 Staff Awards 45
"April 11, 1991 - Employee recognition gathering"

Closest table: Harriet Girrard (left side, middle), Dee Curtis (right side, closest).

1991 Staff Awards 44
"April 11, 1991 - Employee recognition gathering"

1991 Staff Awards 43
"April 11, 1991 - Employee recognition gathering"

1991 Staff Awards 42
"April 11, 1991 - Employee recognition gathering"
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