"7/1986" One of the decorative banisters that used to run out from the side of Inlow Hall. In the background, Pierce Library is barely visible amongst the leafy trees.
"1/1986" An image of two students sitting and facing each other on the top railing of the Grand Staircase behind Inlow Hall. [Tina (left), Jeff (right)?]
"7/1985 - Oslo, Norway Band" A series of images of band members heading down the stairs from the upper floor of Hoke Hall, out the doors, and to a parking area near Quinn Coliseum where they will board a Greyhound bus.
"1/1985 - Casino Night" Two images of a "guard" watching over Casino Night from the spiral staircase in Hoke Hall. A sign attached to the banister, reads: "Please don't tip the dealer. (He's Tip-sy already.)"