Browse Items (42375 total)

1988 Baseball Coaching 06
"1988 - Baseball"
Rob Cushman (left, in profile).

1988 Mt. Emily 02
"1988" Two images of Mt. Emily with it's easily identifiable summit obscured by clouds.


Maxville, Entertainment 1
"Sunday afternoon entertainment in Maxville, (Wallowa County) Oregon - 1923." Wearing what appears to be a wig under a hat and a fake mustache, one man points a six-shooter pistol at another man who seems to have a face mask on. He has his hands up,…

La Grande, Street Scene 11
"La Grande, Oregon street scene - before 1911. Looking east on Adams Ave. Advertisement for Selders [manufacturer of candies & ice cream] is on the building on the right." The Foley Hotel is directly on the left.

La Grande, County Fair 2
"La Grande (Union County) - September 22-23, 1902. A balloon ascension, in connection with the County Fair in 1902 brought out the people from miles around the Grande Ronde Valley and from Wallowa County as well. Here, a large crowd is gathered…

La Grande, Moon Drug & GRV House
"Moon Drug Co. store on the corner of Adams and Fir. Advertisement for Coca-Cola painted on the side of the building. Sign for Moon Drug reads: 'Drugs, Ice Cream, Candies, Stationery, ______, ______ ______, Tobacco.' Grande Ronde Valley House is…

Elgin, Hall's Studio
"Mrs. Hall's Studio [became Hart Studio] - east of City Hall in Elgin, Oregon - about 1915. Women in front are: Mrs. Lottie Hall, Mrs. Annie Johns, Nancy (Lewis? Ben Willis' sister), Lola (Bible?) Stelham. Boy may be Myron Hall." Advertising on the…
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