Browse Items (595 total)

  • Tags: Ball caps

1988 Baseball Banner, "Eastern's Rat Pack" 02
"Baseball" Two images of EOSC baseball player's, #20 and #22, hanging a large banner on the stands in Quinn Coliseum. The banner reads: "Eastern's Rat Pack."

1991 Staff Awards 49
"April 11, 1991 - Employee recognition gathering"

Jerry Ingerson (right edge, in profile).

1991 Staff Awards 48
"April 11, 1991 - Employee recognition gathering"

Seated at table: Dick Townsend (furthest left, in profile), Jim Lundy (furthest right).

1991 Staff Awards 47
"April 11, 1991 - Employee recognition gathering"

Patti Girrard (right side, closest).

1991 Staff Awards 46
"April 11, 1991 - Employee recognition gathering"

Patti Girrard (right side, closest).

1991 Staff Awards 45
"April 11, 1991 - Employee recognition gathering"

Closest table: Harriet Girrard (left side, middle), Dee Curtis (right side, closest).

1991 Staff Awards 44
"April 11, 1991 - Employee recognition gathering"

1991 Staff Awards 43
"April 11, 1991 - Employee recognition gathering"

1991 Staff Awards 42
"April 11, 1991 - Employee recognition gathering"

1991 Staff Awards 41
"April 11, 1991 - Employee recognition gathering"

Right side of table: Coral Ward (right), Suz End (left).
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