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Elgin, General Store
"Elgin Scenes 1920-1925" Storefronts in Elgin, Oregon, including the "Shoemakers General Store."

Manila, Farmacia San Fernando
"Drug Store - Farmacia San Fernando - back in business. Whatever attracted the crowd is not known"

Elgin, Hill Hardware Store 1
"Hill Hardware Store in Elgin 1925+/- Fred Huffman and Stella Benshadler in doorway"

Elgin, Hill Hardware Store 3
"Fred Huffman (closest) and Lynn Hill at the entrance to Hill's Hardware Store in Elgin, OR - As of 2009, Elgin Electric occupies building - Doors have moved forward"

Elgin, Hill Hardware Store 2
"Front of Hill Hardware Store in Elgin, OR - Fred Huffman with grand-nephew Frederick Hill - Stella Benshadler, standing - probably 1923 - circus in Elgin Aug. 17"

Elgin, Street Scene 4
"Elgin street scene - Looking east on Old Main Street from 6th St. and Alder. 1. J.J. Donovan Livery Barn 2. Elgin Recorder (formerly W.H. Griggs Saloon) 3. Hardware Store 4. Meat Market 5. Shoe Repair 6. Frank Shevlin's Veto Saloon 7. Georgeā€¦
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