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Portrait - Man
"circa 1900" Written on back of photograph: "Your Alfred"

1972 Winter Registration Day 35
"1972 - Registration Day, Winter"

From left to right: Bill Wells (2nd), Jim Kearns (3rd).

1972 Winter Registration Day 33
"1972 - Registration Day, Winter"

At ENS: Jean Neely (right). Leaning on the wall in the left side background: Harvey Bennett (dark sportscoat).

1972 Winter Registration Day 30
"1972 - Registration Day, Winter"

At Music from left to right: John Cobb, Robert Groth, Lyle McMullen, Louis Lanyon.

1972 Winter Registration Day 29
"1972 - Registration Day, Winter"

Working at the tables from right to left: Jean Neely (1st), Lee Insko (3rd), Ivan Harshbarger (4th), Jim Kearns (5th). Right edge near doorway: Bill Wells.
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