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1981 Rodeo, Calf Dressing 08
"5/18/1981" Nine images of a the calf dressing event at the rodeo. Young women run across the arena to get their calf, and then work in teams to dress the animal in human clothing.

1981 Rodeo, Calf Dressing 07
"5/18/1981" Nine images of a the calf dressing event at the rodeo. Young women run across the arena to get their calf, and then work in teams to dress the animal in human clothing.

1981 Rodeo, Calf Dressing 06
"5/18/1981" Nine images of a the calf dressing event at the rodeo. Young women run across the arena to get their calf, and then work in teams to dress the animal in human clothing.

1981 Rodeo, Calf Dressing 05
"5/18/1981" Nine images of a the calf dressing event at the rodeo. Young women run across the arena to get their calf, and then work in teams to dress the animal in human clothing.

1981 Rodeo, Calf Dressing 04
"5/18/1981" Nine images of a the calf dressing event at the rodeo. Young women run across the arena to get their calf, and then work in teams to dress the animal in human clothing.

1981 Rodeo, Calf Dressing 03
"5/18/1981" Nine images of a the calf dressing event at the rodeo. Young women run across the arena to get their calf, and then work in teams to dress the animal in human clothing.

1981 Rodeo, Calf Dressing 02
"5/18/1981" Nine images of a the calf dressing event at the rodeo. Young women run across the arena to get their calf, and then work in teams to dress the animal in human clothing.

1981 Rodeo, Calf Dressing 01
"5/18/1981" Nine images of a the calf dressing event at the rodeo. Young women run across the arena to get their calf, and then work in teams to dress the animal in human clothing.

1979 Rodeo, Bulldogging 2-1
"May 19, 1979 - College Rodeo"
A cowboy wrestles a steer to the ground. In the background sponsorship billboards for "Tri-Mountain Realty," "La Grande Livestock Commission Company," "Bridles-n-Britches," and "Burgess" hang on the fence.
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