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  • Tags: Presbyterian

Elgin Church, Presbyterian
"Presbyterian Church in Elgin from 1900 - InfraRed original by Fred Hill 1938"

La Grande Church, Presbyterian
"La Grande Churches - Presbyterian"

Union, Church Choir
"Presbyterian Church Choir 1890 - Church was across the street from Brick Hotel"

Umatilla, Presbyterian Church
"'Indian Presbyterian Church' Umatilla Reservation - Christmas 1903"

La Grande Churches
"La Grande, Oregon churches - about 1910. Shows: First Presbyterian Church, Baptist Church, M.E. [Methodist Episcopal] Church, and the Mormon Church. Photos copied from a newspaper." [Negative of Baptist Church photo located at 2010.2.2354.]

Umatilla, Presbyterian MIssion
"Presbyterian Mission in Umatilla - Christmas 1900"

La Grande Group, Rabbits
"This picture is of (left to right) Art Weigle, Frank Bay, Nate Zweifel and Claude Mackey. The man in the background was a Presbyterian minister. The rabbits were for a feast to be held in the Foley Hotel. At the feast they boiled the rabbits until…
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