Browse Items (1642 total)

  • Collection: Fred Hill World War II Photographs

Party, Photo Section 1
"A 17th Photo Section Party at Laurel Miss, Summer of 1943 - Any excuse for a party Last row, standing by film dryer: M/Sgt Ramon J. Walsch, Section Head Back row: A. J. Countryman, Russell Price, Albert I. Gertz, Dale Risdon. Middle row: Dickā€¦

Fred Hill Seated on Steps
"Fred Hill on barracks steps - Esler Field La."

3 Day Pass 1
"Cpl Fred Hill" "Casey & Hill on a 3 day pass to New Orleans"

3 Day Pass 2
"Cpl Bob Casey" "Casey & Hill on a 3 day pass to New Orleans"

Commanding Officer
"Maj Wm. Tennile C.O. of 17th TRSqdn"

New Orleans 1
"New Orleans"

New Orleans 2
"New Orleans"
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