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  • Tags: Coffee

1968 Hoke Building Coffee Shop 01
"1968 - Reading Institute" Three images of faculty and personnel enjoying a break in the Coffee Shop.

Neva Neill (left).

1968 Hoke Building Coffee Shop 02
"1968 - Reading Institute" Three images of faculty and personnel enjoying a break in the Coffee Shop.

1968 Hoke Building Coffee Shop 03
"1968 - Reading Institute" Three images of faculty and personnel enjoying a break in the Coffee Shop.

1987 Hoke Hall Coffee Shop, Jitters 04
"2/1987" Employees and students have gathered for the premiere of the new Hoke Hall Coffee Shop, "Jitters." Here, the new manager enjoys one of the first cups of coffee.

Red Cross Service 1
"Red Cross girls serving coffee inside a shelter"

Red Cross Service 3
"A Red Cross girl serving coffee to ground crew men on the flight line - San Jose Mindoro"

Clara Cohen, Red Cross 1
"One of the Red Cross coffee hostess girls who met the returning flight crews with fresh coffee - Clara Cohen"

Clara Cohen, Red Cross 2
"One of the Red Cross girls - who served coffee from a jeep out on the line - to returning air crews - Clara Cohen"

Mindoro Picnic 2
A picnic - 49th Fighter Mess Sgt Bill Cox, Red Cross girl Clara Cohen at center, and unidentified 49th Fighter member - coffee percolater and sheet cake

1988 Hoke Hall, Jitters Coffee Shop 02
"1988" An image of employees sitting at tables in the "Jitters" coffee shop area of Hoke Hall.
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