"Elgin Preparatory School, 1896 - located above the '1895 D. Sommer & Co.' store. People in photo are lt. to rt.: Walter McCloud, Chas Chandler, Walter Rose, John Raney, Byron Mayfield, Chas Miller, Tom NcNaughton, Verda Woods (Tuttle), Scott Harris,…
"Jack H. Peare, watchmaker - circa 1918 - Moved to La Grande in 1890. Early-days Fire Chief. Active in many community organizations. Wearing Army uniform."
"Sarah Jane Reeves Findley - Born October 25, 1842 - Carrolltown, Missouri. Crossed plains 1852. Family to mines in southern Oregon 1853, were there during Rogue River Indian War. Father and two brothers served as volunteers at time. She is said to…