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1983 Mine Safety Demonstration 06
"4/21/1983 - Mine Safety, Body Sling to Immobilize Neck - In sling: Art Clum, EWU. Wearing eyeglasses: Jay Hart, Belvue [Bellevue?] MSHA [Mine Safety & Health Administration]. EOSC: Dan Geary."

1983 Mine Safety Demonstration 05
"4/21/1983 - Mine Safety, Body Sling to Immobilize Neck - In sling: Art Clum, EWU. Wearing eyeglasses: Jay Hart, Belvue [Bellevue?] MSHA [Mine Safety & Health Administration]. EOSC: Dan Geary."

1983 Mine Safety Demonstration 04
"4/21/1983 - Mine Safety, Body Sling to Immobilize Neck - In sling: Art Clum, EWU. Wearing eyeglasses: Jay Hart, Belvue [Bellevue?] MSHA [Mine Safety & Health Administration]. EOSC: Dan Geary."

1983 Mine Safety Demonstration 03
"4/21/1983 - Mine Safety, Body Sling to Immobilize Neck - In sling: Art Clum, EWU. Wearing eyeglasses: Jay Hart, Belvue [Bellevue?] MSHA [Mine Safety & Health Administration]. EOSC: Dan Geary."

1983 Mine Safety Demonstration 02
"4/21/1983 - Mine Safety, Body Sling to Immobilize Neck - In sling: Art Clum, EWU. Wearing eyeglasses: Jay Hart, Belvue [Bellevue?] MSHA [Mine Safety & Health Administration]. EOSC: Dan Geary."

1983 Mine Safety Demonstration 01
"4/21/1983 - Mine Safety, Body Sling to Immobilize Neck - In sling: Art Clum, EWU. Wearing eyeglasses: Jay Hart, Belvue [Bellevue?] MSHA [Mine Safety & Health Administration]. EOSC: Dan Geary."

1987 Raft Race Raft
"5/1987 - Raft Race: Lonesome Hole Mine 69: Gary M., Wade, Shawn, Gary B."

Aerial, North Luzon Mine
"A high mountain mine in Northern Luzon. Evelyn Whitfield's husband worked there before the civilians were imprisoned by the Japanese. Evelyn's book, a 'Two Year Picnic' mentions this place"

Baker, Knapp Group Map
"Baker [County] area mines - Highland Gold Mine Co. - Knapp Group - Sumpter, Or. Maps - circa 1901-1903" "Property of the Highland Gold Mines Co.- Knapp Group - Sumpter, Oregon - Granite, Grano-Diorite, Argillite - U.S. Deputy Mineral Surveyors"

Baker, E and E Mill 3
"Baker [County] area mines - E and E Mill"
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