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  • Tags: Trucks
"Ruts in the mud of the motor pool at Dulag Leyte - 17th Tactical Recon Sqdn. Trucks, tents, palm trees on perimeter"
"Truck in the mud with which we had to contend at the 17th Sqdn Camp area (a corn field) in the rainy season"
"Tractor pulling Command Car out of the mud at Dulag Leyte 17th Tactical Recon Sqdn Camp area"
"Filipino women (for most part) doing soldiers laundry in river" From "Darkroom Soldier": " Busuanga River: Upstream Bath, Downstream Laundry. Hill reported these scenes to Martha: 'En route home, we stopped at the deep part of the river for a swim.…
"GI laundry, drying on rocks beside the river - washed by Filipino ladies. Trucks being washed in the distance"
"Filipino craftsman building bamboo framework for Binmaley mess hall. A child is braiding palm leaf thatch"
"At the raft / ferry crossing - a waiting truck and an empty raft - No 55 gal drum pontoons - just big bamboo - For ox carts etc. 3 rafts carrying trucks in distance"
"At the raft / ferry crossing below the destroyed bridge - 6 x 6 Army truck. Note truck trafts had empty 55 gal drums for extra buoyancy. 9 polers on down-stream side - one on the upstream side"
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