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  • Tags: Craftsmen

Binmaley Local Craftsmen 5
"Filipino carpenter working on bamboo frame work for a tent frame. 17th Tact Recon Sqdn"

Binmaley Local Craftsmen 4
"Filipino carpenters building bamboo frames for tents at the 17th Tact Recon Sqdn camp site at Binmaley Luzon"

Binmaley Local Craftsmen 3
"Filipino craftsmen building tent frames of Bamboo, at the 17th Tact Recon Sqdn camp at Binmaley Luzon"

Binmaley Local Craftsmen 2
"Filipino craftsmen building floor joists for the Enlisted men's club at Binmaley Luzon P.I. 17th Tactical Recon. Sqdn"

Binmaley Local Craftsmen 1
"Filipino craftsman building bamboo framework for Binmaley mess hall. A child is braiding palm leaf thatch"
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