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  • Tags: Student Life

1974 Students, Garbage Duty 01
Three images of two young women who are emptying metal trash cans out of the back of a pickup truck.

1974 Students, Shopping C 01
Five images of two young women shopping a shoe display for open-toed, women's sandals.

1974 Shopping, Student B 01
Two images of a young woman shopping or working in a men's clothing store.

1974 Shopping, Student A 01
Twelve images of a young woman posing in outfits that she has tried on in a women's clothing store. [The same woman appears again in 2012.2.xx171.013]

1974 Students, Frisbee 01
Three images of students playing frisbee in the parking lot next to the Dorion Hall dormitory.

1974 Students, Shopping B 01
Three images of a young man and woman choosing an outfit in a men's clothing store.

1974 Students, Discussion 02
An image taken at one of EOSC President Rodney Briggs' student discussion forums. He called them, "Conversations with the President."

1974 Students, Shopping A 01
Three images of a young man and woman in a men's clothing store.

1974 Honors-Intact Booth
Professor Burke Thomason (middle) and two unidentified students sit out in the snow manning an Honors-Intact booth for... Croquet? They seem to be enjoying themselves with coffee and donuts, and Hoke Hall is barely visible through the white-out in…
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