"October 1980" Coach Gary Feasel prepares to fire off a starter's pistol as young women line up along the starting line. The competition will pit cross country team members from EOSC against their counterparts at North Powder and Whitman.
"1/1985" An Eastern women's basketball player attempts to shoot a basket while being heavily guarded by two opposing Lewis & Clark State College team members.
"Dave Snow, Whitman Center, Senior, Snohomish, WA, 6'4", 190 lbs. All-Conf. NWConf. Averaged 27.4 in '63-4. Currently averaging 24.0 after playing in 9 games. Honor student in Psych." This in an informal action shot portrait of Whitman College…
"Don Woodworth, Whitman Forward, Freshman, Bellevue, WA, 6'5", 175 lbs. Only Frosh in starting lineup. Averaging 8.8 in 12 games, 12.8 since earning starters job." This in an informal action shot portrait of Whitman College basketball player, #10 -…
"6/1987 - 50th Reunion, Classes of 1936-38" Attendees of the 50th Class Reunion fill the banquet room of Hoke Hall. Near the windows, Director of College Relations, Jack Schut gives a speech at a podium with a microphone.
"Jack Schut, Director of College Relations" Wearing a dark colored blazer, white dress shirt, and a red necktie, Jack Schut shares a laugh with some students in the dining hall.