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  • Tags: Train tracks

Train Crossing Trestle 1
"Nov. 20, 1914 - Sumpter Valley Railway - Engine #6, a baggage car and a passenger car are crossing a newly built railroad bridge [trestle] while railroad workers watch."

Train, Cars & Men 2
"Lee Fine, Fay Coon, Relaford Hayes" stand next to train stock cars in Boatman Meadows, Maxville, Oregon - 1923. One of the cars is loaded with railroad "ties for Union Pacific," and the other car is loaded with "logs for Bowman-Hicks, La Grande…

Wallowa, 1st Train
"Monday, September 20, 1908 was a big day at Wallowa City. The first train to ever enter the city made the run from Elgin that day and marked a milestone in the development of Wallowa County. Up to this time people from the Wallowa valley were…

Heppner, Railroad Station
"O. R. & N. station in Heppner, Oregon - circa 1880-90. On the left, [behind the railroad cars sitting on a side track] cattle are being driven to the stockyards."

Train Tracks, Construction 1
"Sumpter Valley Railway - circa 1910-1915" Work on an elevated, curved piece of railroad track appears to be ongoing. Railroad ties are piled to the side, and there is a train of boxcars parked in the background.

Train Tracks, Construction 2
"Sumpter Valley Railway - circa 1910-1915" Work on an elevated, curved piece of railroad track appears to be ongoing. Railroad ties are piled to the side, and there is a train of boxcars parked in the background.

Train Wreck, Collision 10
Two locomotives, #2700 and Union Pacific 5-M-L, have suffered a head-on collision.

Train Wreck, Collision Aerial 2
Two locomotives, #2700 and Union Pacific 5-M-L, have suffered a head-on collision. Automobiles line the highway next to the railroad tracks as employees work to clear away the wreckage.

Train Wreck, Collision Aerial 1
Two locomotives, #2700 and Union Pacific 5-M-L, have suffered a head-on collision. Automobiles line the highway next to the railroad tracks as employees work to clear away the wreckage.
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