"Union Junction, Oregon - circa 1890. A Dummy engine with one passenger car receiving boarders, two women and one man. The railroad engineer is also aboard."
"Wye, south of Maxville where the railroad tracks split - 1923-24. Two of the people in the photograph are identified as Mr. Lockhart, trackwalker and Mrs. Lockhart, cook."
"Entire train [of] potatoes (21 cars) shipped from Elgin, Oregon [to Kansas City] - Jan 25, 1912" [For additional information and another view, see 2010.2.677 and "History of Elgin, Oregon" by Bernal Hug (page 206).]
"The Mill at Oro Dell, located beside the Grande Ronde River, circa 1890." The mill was built to serve as a grist mill, a place where grain is ground into flour. "The building was later used as an electric power plant for La Grande, Oregon." [See:…
"Nov. 20, 1914 - Sumpter Valley Railway - Engine #6, a baggage car and a passenger car are crossing a newly built railroad bridge [trestle] while railroad workers watch."