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  • Tags: Passenger trains

O.R.M. Association 4
"1912 - Albany - O.R.M. Association"

O.R.M. Association 3
"1912 - Albany - O.R.M. Association"

Train Crossing Bridge 3
"Old RR Bridge across Snake River near Huntington"

Train Crossing Bridge 2
"Crossing the Grande Ronde R - Wallowa Rondowa Oreg."

Train, Cove - Union Line 2
"Train from Union to Cove - circa 1910" [Photograph used in "Supplement to History of Union County, No. 6" (page 62).]

Oregon, Canyon Train 4
A locomotive releases smoke as it pulls a passenger train through a forested canyon.

Train Crossing Bridge 2
"Oregon shortline engine with five passenger cars on the Snake River Bridge - 1885.
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