"1953-54 Jr. Prom - Bob Peskale, Dr. [Martha] Addy" A Professor at EOCE, Dr. Martha Addy takes time to stop and talk with EOCE student, Bob Peskale at Junior Prom.
"1953-54 - Bob Good" This is an informal portrait of Bob Good taken outdoors in the snow. He is wearing dark colored, heavy weather clothing, and eyeglasses. In his gloved hands, he is holding ski poles.
"1953-54 - Marcia Miller" This is a portrait of Marcia Miller wearing a dark colored, collared dress with buttons up the front and an embroidered pocket on the left side of the chest.
"1953-54 - Walters" Jim Walters stands behind a counter while running an old style adding machine in the campus bookstore. There are shelves behind him that hold an assortment of books and reams of paper. [Similar to 2007.3.1003]
"1953-54 Band" The EOCE Marching band marches down Adams Ave in La Grande, OR. There are two baton twirlers and a drum major right up front. Local businesses like, Sprouse-Reitz, J.C. Penney Company and the Granada theater are visible in the…
"1953-54 Band" The marching band in full uniform, performs in a parade on Adams Ave. in downtown La Grande, Or. There are baton twirlers out in front, and many people watch from both sides of the street. Local area businesses like, Westinghouse…
"1953-54 Football Band" The marching band performs on the football field wearing their uniforms. Ackerman School, Inlow Hall, and Hunt Hall are all visible in the background
"1953-54 Football Band" The marching band performs on the football field in their full uniforms. There are a few fans seated in the "Visitors Section" of the bleachers. Ackerman School gymnasium, Inlow Hall, and a corner of Hunt Hall are visible in…