"Fred Hill in Jap Ammo dump holding Anti Aircraft shell equivalent to 90mm" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Lethal Beauty. Powers photographed Hill as he studied a 90 mm long range anti-aircraft shell." ("Darkroom Soldier" caption authored by George Venn)
"Sgt Powers examining Jap munitions at a hastily abandoned ammo dump at Hollandia. US engineers had declared the dump to be clear of 'Booby traps' 17th Recon Sqdn" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Deadly Reminders. On a trip ashore, Hill and Powers cameā¦
Written on envelope: "The Jap 'Betty' bombers delivering the preliminary Jap envoys. This shows the planes still high in the air. No escorting planes in this picture."
Written on envelope: "Aug 19 1945. One of the Jap 'Betty' bombers - Painted white with green crosses - That brought the preliminary surrender delegates from Tokyo as far as Ie Shima - Taken on to Manila by ATC C-54"