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  • Tags: Crates
"17th Tact. Recon Sqdn Photo section loading lab gear onto a truck in preparation for move to Mindoro"
"17th Tact. Recon Sqdn Photo section loading lab gear onto a truck in preparation for move to Mindoro - Note tire chains (for mud) on truck"
"17th Tact. Recon Sqdn ground forces. Packed, ready to move (on to Mindoro - Dec 1944) 0445 - GG was our Sqdn Code identification. Photo Section and Supply section"
"Supplies being hoisted aboard SS Russell Sage in Humboldt Bay" "SS Russell Sage left Finschhafen 6/30 - arrived Biak July 28, 44 - spent over 3 weeks anchored in Humboldt Bay"
"Supplies being hoisted aboard SS Russell Sage in Humboldt Bay" "SS Russell Sage left Finschhafen 6/30 - arrived Biak July 28, 44 - spent over 3 weeks anchored in Humboldt Bay" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Food Arrives. The SS Russell Sage had been…
"Sgt Powers examining Jap munitions at a hastily abandoned ammo dump at Hollandia. US engineers had declared the dump to be clear of 'Booby traps' 17th Recon Sqdn" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Deadly Reminders. On a trip ashore, Hill and Powers came…
"Fred Hill holding some explosive device in Jap Ammo dump"
"Fred Hill in Jap Ammo dump holding Anti Aircraft shell equivalent to 90mm" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Lethal Beauty. Powers photographed Hill as he studied a 90 mm long range anti-aircraft shell." ("Darkroom Soldier" caption authored by George Venn)
"Fred Hill in a Japanese Ammo dump"
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