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  • Tags: Store
"J. [Jackson] L. Morrow - Dealer in General Merchandise - Far[mers] and Packers Head Quarters - circa 1870 - store located in Old Town, La Grande - Demonstration of first city water system using wooden pipe"
"J.H. Peare Jewelry Store - 1896 - J.H. Peare is standing in the doorway with a dog." [J.D. McKennon Groceries is next door.] [For a similar view of the same building, but with different business' facades, see: 2010.2.761. Interestingly, the same…
"Pittsburgh Paint Store - 111 Elm St. La Grande, OR - 1930"
"Grande Ronde Drug Store [La Grande?]" Painted sign on the side of the building reads: "Drugs and Medicines, Paint, Oils, [Glass?], School Books and Cigars"
"1898 - C.J. Short Stationery - Real Estate - Bakery from extremely flat, faded, original post card" [The business located between the Stationery store and the Real Estate Agent is the J.H. Peare Jewelry Store. J. (Jack) H. Peare is standing in the…
"Parade - Adams Avenue (looking west) in La Grande, Oregon - July 4, 1913-1914" Crowds gather on the sides of the street to watch the procession of floats as they pass the "Temperance" statue, Cast Iron Mary.
"La Grande, Oregon parade on Adams Avenue - July 4, 1910-1912 (bank under construction - near right edge of image) Crowds gather on the sides of the street to watch as the procession passes the "Temperance" statue, Cast Iron Mary.
"Imbler, Oregon from top of Flour Mill. Stringhams General Store is prominent in center of image." [Note on picture: "Before 1910 - Imbler School not built. Left, alley way - outhouses, outside toilets. Westenskew house at extreme right. Lester…
"Elgin street scene - Looking east on Old Main Street from 6th St. and Alder. 1. J.J. Donovan Livery Barn 2. Elgin Recorder (formerly W.H. Griggs Saloon) 3. Hardware Store 4. Meat Market 5. Shoe Repair 6. Frank Shevlin's Veto Saloon 7. George…
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