"Spring Festival" Bare chested, except for leis, and wearing grass skirts and headbands, Micronesian perform a dance while keeping rhythm with two sticks held in their hands.
"6/22/1981 - Departure for Micronesian Trip - Faculty: Bob Ward, Harvey Bennett, Jim Kearns" The three men and two unidentified women are having a small "going away" party in the parking lot adjacent to East Dorion Hall. They are sharing a beverage…
"3/6/1981 - Students and Faculty" From left to right around the circle: Harvey Bennett (1st), Ted Williams (3rd), Linda Hale (4th), Augustine Dannis (5th).
"1988 - Foreign students, Cay Fallow [2nd in from the left]" A group of students in the Micronesian Program, who are providing the entertainment for the night's alumni function, pose with Cay Fallow.