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  • Tags: Micronesian

1984 Homecoming and October Folk Festival Parade 01
"10/1984 - Homecoming and October Folk Festival Parade" The Pacific Islanders' "Island-Style" float.

1986 Project Relations, International Students 01
"2/1986 - Project Relations, Foreign Students" Sitting and listening with the audience of International students, are professors, Bill Wells (right edge, closest, in profile) and David Rothgerry (next to Wells).

1991 Employees, Micronesian Program
"1991, Fall - Micronesian Program: Director Gary Hobson (middle), Murphy Tenny (left), Switer Eter (right)"

1988 Homecoming Food & Drink 01
"October 1988" An Hawaiian Style Food booth is run during the Homecoming Fair by some of the Micronesian Program students

1988 Alumni Function, Performers 01
"1988 - Foreign Students, Cay Fallow [2nd in from the left]" A group of students in the Micronesian Program, who are providing the entertainment for the night's alumni function, pose with Cay Fallow.

1988 Alumni Function, Performers 05
"1988 - Foreign Students" President Dave Gilbert (left), rolls up his pant legs to dance with one of the Micronesian perfomers. The Micronesian Program students are providing the entertainment for an alumni function in Hoke Hall.

1981 Student and Faculty Discussion 01
"3/6/1981 - Pete Kuor, Micronesian" Richard [Rick] Mack (left) sits and talks with student, Pete Kuor (right) at a students' and faculty discussion forum.

1987 Graduate, Outdoors 2-1
"6/10/1987 - Graduation" A graduate poses with family while wearing multiple flower leis.

1990 Graduation, After 01
"June 1990 - Graduation" Wearing leis over his graduation gown, and and elaborate floral and leaf headress, a micronesian student celebrates with the young woman next to him.

1990 Graduation, After 03
"June 1990 - Graduation" Wearing leis over his graduation gown, and an elaborate floral and leaf headress, a micronesian student celebrates with the young woman next to him.
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