Browse Items (35 total)

  • Tags: Experiment

1978 Building Sign, Habitat Laboratory
"December 1978 - Range and Wildlife Habitat Laboratory, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department"

1978 Building, Habitat Laboratory 1-1
"December 1978 - Range and Wildlife Habitat Laboratory, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department"

1978 Building, Habitat Laboratory 1-2
"December 1978 - Range and Wildlife Habitat Laboratory, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department"

1978 Livestock, Cattle 1
"February 1978 - OSU Union Experimental Field Station"

1978 Livestock, Cattle 2
"February 1978 - OSU Union Experimental Field Station"

1978 Livestock, Cattle 3
"February 1978 - OSU Union Experimental Field Station"

1978 Livestock, Cattle 4
"February 1978 - OSU Union Experimental Field Station"

1979 Agriculture, Grass Samples
"February 6, 1979 - OSU Experimental Station, Union"
Various grass samples in a "Range and Forest" display hang on the wall at the Experimental Station.

1979 Experiment Station Man
"February 6, 1979 - OSU Experimental Station, Union"
An unidentified man holds an oddly shaped object in his hands.

1979 Experiment Station Tour 1
"February 6, 1979 - OSU Experimental Station, Union (with Co-op Ed [Cooperative Education] students)"
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