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  • Tags: Dancing
"1954-55 Mardi Gras" Couples dance together during Mardi Gras. Above them, the ceiling is decorated with hanging streamers and balloons. [Photo appears in the 1955 Mountaineer yearbook, pg. 85.]
"1954-55 - Vivian Harder, Dr. Lee Johnson" Vivian Harder dances with Dr. Lee Johnson while the band, "Beachcombers" plays behind them.
"1932 Members of the Social Committee Dance" Amidst numerous, decorated, Christmas trees, including one very tall one, couples dressed in formal wear dance. On a stage in the background, a band plays.
"1953-54 Christmas Formal (?)" Couples dance among sparse, Christmas decorations.
"1954-55 Junior Prom" In the center of the picture, Jo Ann Wheeler and Don Scharn dance together under a large star. Other couples dance around them, and there are more decorations hanging from the ceiling and walls.
"1954-55 Christmas Formal (?)" Couples dance among sparse, Christmas decorations.
"May 1982 - Micronesian Dancers entertain at Ice Cream Social, Spring Festival"
"5/1987 - Springfest" Presentation of the flags opens the Native American powwow held in Quinn Coliseum.
"5/1987 - Springfest" Native Americans, dressed in full regalia, participate in the powwow held in Quinn Coliseum.
"5/1987 - Springfest" Dressed in full regalia, a Native American participates in the powwow held in Quinn Coliseum.
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