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  • Tags: Booths
"10/20/1981" Four images of a student preparing to launch a rocket at the October Festival, and the audience who is waiting for the launching.
"10/1982 - October Folk Festival" An image of a student, who appears to be Student Body President Ed Smith, working in a booth decorated with streamers. He is talking with a number of people at his booth.
"10/1982 - Octobert Folk Festival" Two images of a young man playing the guitar and singing at Octoberfest. Ackerman Elementary School is in the background.
"10/1982 - October Folk Festival" An image of Mike Daugherty, wearing a nametag and an "Alumni" ribbon while working in the Alumni booth at the October Folk Festival. He is talking with a woman who is holding a baby while she writes on a notepad.
"10/1983 - Octoberfest" An image taken in the area of booths and vendors at the October Folk Festival
"10/1983 - Octoberfest / Homecoming" Two images of a toy area at the October Folk Festival.
"10/1984" An image of two men constructing the framework for one of the October Folk Festival booths.
"10/1984" A series of images of students and employees decorating the food booth in Hoke Hall for the October Festival.
"10/1984 - October Folk Festival" Three images of various booths set up at the October Folk Festival.
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