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  • Tags: Track lighting

1983 Faculty & Staff Get-together 04
"10/1983 - Faculty & Staff Get-together" Left side of image, directly next to the briefcase: Leonard Good (left, in profile), Jim Hottois (right, in profile). Center of image: Pat Duffey (in profile). Right side of image: Terry Edvalson (mostly…

1991 Arts East Reading 01
"2/1991 - Arts East reading" - eleven images [The name "Gibian" accompanied this set of images, but the person was not specified.]

1986 Guest, Astronomer 1-2
"3/1986 - Paul Stephas, physics [left]

1986 Nightingale Gallery Dedication 03
"1/1986 - Nightingale Gallery Dedication"

From left to right: Paul Stephas (in profile), Enno Klammer, George Nightingale (in profile).

1983 Faculty & Staff Get-together 05
"10/1983 - Faculty & Staff Get-together"

Marilyn Feasel (this end of bench).

1979 Art Gallery Set-up 1
"April 1979 - Art Gallery"
Pictures are hung along a wall in preparation for the upcoming exhibit.

1979 Art Gallery Lighting 1-1
"April 1979 - Art Gallery"
Art professor, Ed Cicotte works on the lighting in the gallery for the upcoming art show.

1979 Art Gallery Opening 1-1
"April 1979 - Art Gallery Opening"
Those who have been identified as attending this function are: Howard Anderson, Werner Bruecher, Tom Dimond, Sheila Duncan, Terry Edvalson, Ed Forshee, Ian Gatley, Dave Gilbert, Bob Kingzett, Judd Koehn, Janet…
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