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  • Tags: New student week

1990 Orientation, Barbecue 02
"September 1990" Nine images taken during the BBQ opening the new school year.

1990 Orientation, Development Center 02
"1990" Two images of a student being helped at the Student Development Center table.

Dick Stenard (middle), Alan Davis (right, in profile).

1990 Orientation, Indoors 14
"1990" A series of images of lectures and information gathering during orientation activities.

1990 Orientation, Indoors 13
"1990" A series of images of lectures and information gathering during orientation activities.

1990 Orientation, Indoors 12
"1990" A series of images of lectures and information gathering during orientation activities.

Nancy Youlden (standing and speaking).

1990 Orientation, Indoors 11
"1990" A series of images of lectures and information gathering during orientation activities.

Nancy Youlden (standing and speaking).

1990 Orientation, Indoors 10
"1990" A series of images of lectures and information gathering during orientation activities.

Nancy Youlden (standing and speaking).

1990 Orientation, Indoors 09
"1990" A series of images of lectures and information gathering during orientation activities.

Nancy Youlden (standing and speaking).

1990 Orientation, Indoors 08
"1990" A series of images of lectures and information gathering during orientation activities.

[Appears to be:] Alan Davis (standing and speaking).

1990 Orientation, Indoors 07
"1990" A series of images of lectures and information gathering during orientation activities.

[Appears to be:] Alan Davis (standing and speaking).
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