Browse Items (36 total)

  • Tags: Camp Murray

41st Division, Pass in Review 3
"41st Division - negatives of the many Saturday parades - 'Pass in Review' - Camp Murray before the 186th moved to N. Fort Cantonment"

41st Division, Pass in Review 2
"41st Division - negatives of the many Saturday parades - 'Pass in Review' - Camp Murray before the 186th moved to N. Fort Cantonment"

41st Division, Pass in Review 1
"41st Division - negatives of the many Saturday parades - 'Pass in Review' - Camp Murray before the 186th moved to N. Fort Cantonment"

186th Infantry, Soldiers
"Camp Murray - Portrait of three E Co. 186 Inf. Soldiers - Jim Coates, George Blake, Dean Knight - Camp Murray tents in background"

41st Division, Basketball 1
"186th Infantry - 41st Cantonment - North Fort Lewis Camp Murray"

186th Infantry, Tear Gas
"Fort Lewis - 1940 - Gas Mask exercise - tear gas"

186th Infantry, Hike 1
"186th Infantry at Camp Murray - Fort Lewis - 1940 - A 10 mile hike before lunch"

41st Division, Mess Sgt
"41st Division E Co. 186 Inf. Camp Murray - Mess Sgt. Bert Burke cutting a quarter of beef - dirt floor"

41st Division, Camp Murray 1
"41st Division - After Sept. 16, 1940 - 1st Squad tents - no floors"
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