"'R.C. Mays & Co. Wholesale Grain Dealers' - picture before 1900. Mays is the 2nd man from the left. Looking west up alley from old Front St. just south of old Main St."
"Golden Rule Hotel (facade) - La Grande, Oregon - circa 1885" "Fanny Goods" or "Fanny Goodspeed" written on back of photograph. [There is no clarification as to whether she is in the picture, or whether she played an alternative role, such as…
"Cray & Martin Meat Market - circa 1909. Sim Cray (left) and Arch Willet (right) are standing out in front of the meat market on the board sidewalk." [Personal message photocopied as well: "How is every body in Lostine have you seen Hattie's boy yet?…
"Looking Glass Lake [later named Langdon Lake] was formed at the summit of the Blue Mountains [Tollgate area] in 1922 when a group of citizens purchased the property for a resort area. Boating, bathing and just enjoying the new lake were a primary…
[Photocopy of a page from "A Tour of Union County" which was written in 1882 by D.H. Stearns.] Depicts: "Meacham's Summit of the Blue Mts," "Changing Horses at Midnight," and the largest drawing is of "Old Town, La Grande, Oregon."