Browse Items (41056 total)

Union, Wright Wedding Gifts
"Belle Mallory Wright - married W.T. Wright - Wedding Gifts"

Union, Wood Saw
"Union, Oregon - circa 1900. Fred Nodine and two unidentified men are standing behind a horse-drawn, steam-powered, wood saw."


Union, Threshing Operation
"Fred Nodine's traction engine and baler in operation outside of Union, Oregon - circa 1900's."

Union, Steam Generator
"Steam Powered Generator for Union - early 1900's - Otto Compton: Steam Engineer -Electric Power Plant located near the creek where the RR spur took off for Cove"

Union, Phymere Stock Farm
"W. (William) T. Phy's Phymere Stock Farm - Prize Cattle"

Union, Owl Cafe Interior
"Ben Curtis at the 'Owl Cafe' Union - where the bank parking is in 2001"

Union, Ollie Osborne
"Ollie Osborne - 1920's Rodeo and Bucking Horse Rider"

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Union, Nodine & Men
"Union, Oregon - circa 1900. Fred Nodine with two unidentified cattle buyers in a buggy (or hack) pulled by two horses."

Union, Motorcycle Races
"Motorcycle Racing - Union Stock Show grounds"
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