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1929-30 Football Team
Coach Bob Quinn poses with the 1929-30 EONS football team.
[Photo appears in the 1930 EONS Catalog.]

1929-30 Inlow Hall 1
This is a picture of the front and side of Inlow Hall from the bottom of the small staircase. The ornate railing, benches and stairs are all in the foreground. There is very little landscaping and the grass is scrubby.

1929-30 Inlow Hall 2
"Eastern Oregon Normal School" Inlow Hall

1929-30 Inlow Hall 3
"Eastern Oregon Normal School - La Grande, Oregon - Administration Bldg." [Photo appears in the 1930 EONS catalog.]

1929-30 Volleyball Tournament
"VOLLEYBALL The four classes in volleyball staged a most active tournament with the three o'clock class winning high honors. Endball was played in rainy weather, but finals were not played." [Photo appears in the 1930 EONS Catalog.]

1929-30 Women's Speedball
"SPEEDBALL - The most vigorous sport of the winter term was speedball. Much endurance and sportsmanship were displayed by the players."
[Photo appears in the 1930 EONS Catalog.]

1929-30 Women's Sports Team 1
A women's sports team, possibly Speedball - Left to right: Back row: Byrd

1929-30 Women's Sports Team 2
A women's sports team, possibly Speedball.
[Photo appears in the 1930 EONS Catalog.]

1930 Ackerman Elementary Classroom 1
"[1930] Caroline Stevenson, Training Teacher, 6th grade, N21" Students and teacher sit at desks in a semi-cirlce in this elementary classroom. There is a bird in a cage in the center, and there are pictures of birds on the wall in the background.

1930 Ackerman Elementary Classroom 2
"[1930] Lulu Grace Allen, Teacher, 3rd grade, N-18" This is a 1930 elementary 3rd grade classroom setting.
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