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  • Tags: Headphones

1981 Student, Audio 04
"April 21, 1981 - ARC [Academic Resource Center?] use NSE [National Student Exchange?]" Two images (03 and 04)

1981 Student, Audio 02
"April 21, 1981" Two images (01 and 02) of a young woman wearing headphones while listening to a recording in the ARC [Academic Resource Center?].

1980 Student, Audio 02
"November 1980" A series of images of a young woman wearing headphones while listening to a recording in the ARC [Academic Resource Center?].

1983 Sports Reporters 01
Two images taken during a basketball game of the fans in the stands and the sports announcers working the game.

1983 Dance, Disc Jockey 01
"February 4, 1983 - Dance"

Leonard Hermens (disc jockey, tallest young man).

80's Radio, KEOL Disc Jockey 01
Four images of two unidentified students working in the KEOL radio broadcast booth.

1970 Ackerman Elementary School, Audiovisual Equipment 01
"Children in school" Two images of children using various audio and visual equipment.

1968 Ackerman Elementary School, Audiovisual Equipment 01
"Ackerman students - Mrs. Falkes class" Four images of children using various audio and visual equipment.

1974 Radio, KEOL Disc Jockey 01
Two images of an unidentified student working as a DJ in the KEOL radio broadcast booth.

1974 Languages Program 01
Seven images of EOSC Professor Johannes Spronk explaining the curriculum for a languages program to campus visitors.
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