"April 1977 - Solar Energy Project - Willie Rotich (left) and Doug Krieger (right) run a test on the pyranometer. The instrument is sensitive enough to detect the light reflected off them." In the background, Mt. Emily is visible.
"April 1977 - Solar Energy Project - Physics Professor, Donald Schnitzler (left) and pre-dentistry student, Douglas Whittet (right) check calibrations on the pyranometer, stationed on the science building roof."
"1966 - Academic Activity, Secretarial Science" The group of young women in the secretarial science program pose together in two rows with the front row sitting and the back row standing. Professor Sarah Stein is standing at the back, left end.…
"1953-54 - Fred Taylor, FTA Radio" Sitting at a desk with a microphone hanging in front of him, Fred Taylor is a regular personality on FTA (Free To Air) public radio.
"Parent's Weekend" A young man and woman point to the 9th and 10th as a reminder for parents to save those dates for "Parent's Weekend." [A nearly identical photo appears in the 1964 Mountaineer yearbook, pg. 72.]