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  • Collection: Fred Hill World War II Photographs

Oregon Reunion on Biak 10
"Former friend, Dean Rizor from Co E 186 Infantry, Oregon National Guard with Fred Hill, when they met on Biak"

Oregon Reunion on Biak 9
"Earnie Stitzinger, E Co 186th - holding Japanese earth moving tool."

Oregon Reunion on Biak 8
"Fred Hill and E Co 186th Infantry friends from the days in Oregon National Guard Infantry Co in - La Grande Oregon - Jay Gamble"

Oregon Reunion on Biak 7
"E Co 186th Infantry - 1st Sgt Bill Corey - and Fred Hill (Air Force) We were together in National Guard - La Grande OR"

Oregon Reunion on Biak 6
"Sgt Fred Hill, 1st Sgt Bill Corey, 1st Lt Ralph Badger - Visit by Hill to E Co 186 Inf. Camp on Biak. Before transferring to Air Force, Hill was also a member of ORE Nat'l Guard unit"

Oregon Reunion on Biak 5
"former E Co 186 Infantry friends from Oregon National Guard in La Grande Oregon - 2nd Lt Walt Buckley, 1st Sgt Bill Corey, and 1st Lt Badger"

Japanese Soldier
"Japanese soldier - Hid out on Biak waiting for his unit to return so he could re-join them. Unable to walk, he was brought in on a make-shift stretcher" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Survivor. Hill photographed this unidentified Japanese soldier…

Oregon Reunion on Biak 4
"Former friends from E Co 186th Infantry. Lt Walter Buckley and 1st Sgt Bill Corey from Oregon National Guard days in La Grande, Oregon. Jap 25 cal. automatic rifle - foreground"

Oregon Reunion on Biak 2
"Old E Co 186th Infantry National Guard friends from La Grande, Oregon, met on Biak. Sgt Fred Hill (Air Force), Lt Cochran, Sgt Ernie Stitzinger, Cpl Dean Rizor, S/Sgt Jim Coats" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Oregon Reunion. On September 11-12, Hill was…
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