"Tent interior of the Photo Section men (+Peters). Taken by Van Reimer" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Mildew and Letters. A.J. Countryman, Bernardo and Reimer write letters in their 20' x 20' Binmaley home. By this point, as Hill wrote to Martha, 'Every…
"The line crews (mechanics, etc.) of the 17th Tact. Recon Sqdn at the air strip at Lingayen in front of a B-25 J - with 14 guns firing forward for devastating strafing"
"The 17th Officer's Club at Binmaley - beside a huge magnolia tree. Officers chipped in many pesos to this structure built. F." From "Darkroom Soldier": "Officer's Club at Binmaley. Exterior: Built by local craftsmen under a big mango tree, this is…