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EOCE, Whiskerino Contest 1
"College - Whiskerino Contest - 1939 - Jane French, Shirley Pierson, Gerrie O'Brien, Geo. (George) Davis, Carolyn Duby, Glee Helmick, Beulah Johnson"

EOCE, Whiskerino Contest 2
"College - Whiskerino Contest - 1939 - Entrants & judging"

EOCE, Whiskerino Contest 3
"College - Whiskerino Contest - 1939 - Entrants & judging" The young women from left to right are: Jane French, Gerrie O'Brien, Shirley Pierson, Beulah Johnson, Carolyn Duby, Glee Helmick. The men are unidentfied.

EOCE, Whiskerino Contest 4
"College - Whiskerino Contest - 1939 - Entrants & judging"

EOCE, Whiskerino Contest 6
"College - Whiskerino Contest - 1939 - Entrants / Participants - Steve Lukson - Gordon Leonard"

EOCE, Whiskerino Contest 7
"College - Whiskerino Contest - 1939 - Entrants / Participants - Steve Lukson - Gordon Leonard"

EOCE, Whiskerino Contest 8
"College - Whiskerino Contest - 1939 - Participants - J.R. Shinneman (center)"

1982 October Folk Festival, Booths 01
"10/1982 - October Folk Festival" Students lie on the grass watching people and activities going on at the booths in the background.

1949-50 Whiskerino Contest 1
"1949-50 Whiskerino" The growing of facial hair is turned into a contest.

1949-50 Dance, Whiskerino 1
"1949-50 Whiskerino" The growing of facial hair is turned into a contest. After the judging and awards, a dance is held. Professor Al Kaiser and his wife share a spin around the floor. [Photo appears in the 1950 Mountaineer yearbook, "Whiskerino"…
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