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  • Tags: Drum majors

Union Stock Show Parade 18
"Eastern Oregon Livestock Show parade - June 1940"

50's Marching Band 2
A nighttime photo of the Eastern Oregon marching band, led by their drum major and three baton twirlers, making its way in a single file down the sideline in front of the covered bleachers. [PROOF on front of photo.]

50's Marching Band 1
Enclosed with photo: "Pictured is EOC's Marching Band at Forest Grove where they won first place in the marching competition - Twirlers are, from left to right, Naomi Frost, Barbara Nuxall and Glynn Zwiefel, Drum Major is Don Cole and at the far…

1953-54 Marching Band 3
"1953-54 Band" Facing away from the "Visitors Section" bleachers, the marching band performs on the football field at night. They are wearing their full uniforms.

1953-54 Marching Band 2-1
"1953-54 Football Band" The marching band performs on the football field wearing their uniforms. Ackerman School, Inlow Hall, and Hunt Hall are all visible in the background

1953-54 Marching Band 1-1
"1953-54 Band" The EOCE Marching band marches down Adams Ave in La Grande, OR. There are two baton twirlers and a drum major right up front. Local businesses like, Sprouse-Reitz, J.C. Penney Company and the Granada theater are visible in the…

1951-52 Marching Band
"1951-52 Band" The marching band stands ready in full uniform and full formation out on 12th Avenue near the campus. There are two baton twirlers on either side of the drum major at the front.
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