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  • Tags: Captains

40's Training Command Captain
"Rolf Bye in charge of Army at EOCE during WWII" This is an outdoor portrait of Army Captain Rolf Bye.

1988 Football Players & Coaches 04
"September 1988 - Football"

Front, kneeling: Brian Sap, #32 (left), #61 (right). Standing from left to right: Wes McAllaster (1st), Brian Keller (2nd), Shawn Perkins (3rd), [Unidentified] (4th), Saichi Oba (5th), Orson Christensen (6th), Dale…

1988 Football Players & Coaches 03
"September 1988 - Football"

Front, kneeling: Brian Sap, #32 (left), #61 (right). Standing from left to right: Wes McAllaster (1st), Brian Keller (2nd), Shawn Perkins (3rd), [Unidentified] (4th), Saichi Oba (5th), Orson Christensen (6th), Dale…

1988 Football Players & Coaches 02
"September 1988 - Football"

Dale Peters (front, left), David Downs (front, right). Next row up: [Appears to be:] Paul Nua, #66.

1988 Football Players & Coaches 01
"September 1988 - Football"

Orson Christensen (front, in profile). Next row up: From left to right: Jim Block, #24 (in profile, partial); Nate Borchert, #34.

Forrest Tregea, ID Photo 3
"ID shots of Capt Forrest E Tregea - 17th Photo Officer"

Forrest Tregea, ID Photo 2
"ID shots of Capt Forrest E Tregea - 17th Photo Officer"

Forrest Tregea, ID Photo 1
"ID shots of Capt Forrest E Tregea - 17th Photo Officer" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Captain Forrest Tregea. A member and Photo Officer in the 17th Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron since July, 1942, Capt Tregea knew how to supervise Hill's crew of…

41st Cantonment, Hosted Dinner 2
"On one occasion, E Co. 186 hosted a dinner for Battalion officers - at Cantonment Area - Seated at head of table in both pictures is Chaplain Capt Blenkinsop"

41st Cantonment, Hosted Dinner 1
"On one occasion, E Co. 186 hosted a dinner for Battalion officers - at Cantonment Area - Seated at head of table in both pictures is Chaplain Capt Blenkinsop - Standing is E Co. Commander, Capt Jess Andrews plus an E.M. attendant"
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