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"7/29/1988 - Ground breaking, Loso Hall"

From right to left: Ian Gatley (2nd, in profile), Jim Hottois (3rd, in profile), Jim Lundy (4th, in profile), Tom Dimond (6th, in profile).
"Bill Talbott & Merlin Prout"
Wearing clothing appropriate for cooler weather, the two men stand at the edge of a hole that has been dug. Pipes are exposed within the ditch, and there is a heavy equipment, machine shovel behind them.
"1958 Construction" A crane run by, "Bechtel Bros. Builders - Elgin, Ore" lowers the very large septic tank into a hole during an early construction phase for the dormitory, Dorion Hall. In the background is the men's dormitory building that would…
"1958 Construction" A crane run by, "Bechtel Bros. Builders - Elgin, Ore" has lowered the very large septic tank into a hole during an early construction phase for the dormitory, Dorion Hall. In the background is the men's dormitory building that…
"1958 Construction" A crane run by, "Bechtel Bros. Builders - Elgin, Ore" lowers the very large septic tank into a hole during an early construction phase for the dormitory, Dorion Hall. In the background is the men's dormitory building that would…
"Science / Math" The new science and mathematics building is nearing completion. Originally referred to as simply, "Science Hall," it would eventually be dedicated as "Badgley Hall" in tribute to long-time, Eastern science professor, Ralph Badgley.
"March 1976"
Bill Talbott and Merlin Prout work near the edge of a hole that has been dug. Pipes are exposed within the ditch, and there is a heavy equipment, machine shovel behind them.
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