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  • Tags: Activities

1975 Hoke Hall Sign
"September 18, 1975"
The sign out in front of Hoke Hall reads: "Hoke College Center, The Beacon, Bookstore, Food Service, Recreation Room, Student Activities, Office of Student Development, Student Government, Student Information Center"

1976 Classroom, Education 2-2
Professor Bernece Schmidt (standing) teaches in an Education classroom.

1977 Hoke Hall Sign
"October 1977 - Campus scenes"
Students go up and down the large staircase leading to one of the entrances to Hoke Hall. The sign out front reads: "Hoke College Center, The Beacon, Bookstore, Food Service, Recreation Room, Student Activities, Office…

1981 Homecoming Parade, Floats 01
"10/20/1981" Ten images of three floats in the homecoming parade representing different campus organizations: Women's Sports, Student Activities, and Football.

Float sign reads, "Student Activities is a kick in the _ _ _!"

1984 Open House, Student Activities
"March 10, 1984 - Open House" An image of students picking up flyers from the Student Activities counter in Hoke Hall during the Open House.

1988 Conference, National Association of Campus Activities 01
"1988" Four images of an NACA (National Association of Campus Activities) sponsored conference.

1974 Employee, Unidentified Woman A 01
Two images of an unidentified EOSC employee working at a desk in the Student Activities office. [The same woman appears in the background of 2012.2.xx152.016]

1974 Employee, Michael Daugherty 01
Three images of an EOSC employee, Michael (Mike) Daugherty, working at a desk in the Student Activities office. [The woman in the background also appears in 2012.2.xx152.004]

1981 Homecoming Parade, Floats 02
"10/20/1981" Ten images of three floats in the homecoming parade representing different campus organizations: Women's Sports, Student Activities, and Football.

Float sign reads, "Student Activities is a kick in the _ _ _!"
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